A Gradient is a gradual transition from one color to another. The Gradient menu is located on the second tab of the Fill Style menu (see below):
Gradient: Accessing the menu
- Select a component or border.
- Do one of the following:
- Go to the Home tab and select the Fill Style icon.
- Right-click in a box to launch a pop– up menu. When the menu appears, go to Format > Fill Style.
- Right-click in the chart to launch a pop– up menu. When the menu appears, go to Format > Border Style. Once in the Border Style menu, click the Fill button.
- Choose the Gradient tab.
Gradient: Creation Options
- Colors – this determines the gradient’s start and end colors. Click the Start Color and End Color fields to launch a palette of colors to choose from.
- Transparency – these sliders determine the transparency of the colors chosen in the Start Color and End Color fields. On the slider scale, the left end equals 100% opacity and right end equals 100% transparency.
- Shading Style – select one of these radio buttons to determine the gradient’s pattern.
- Sample – this preview window allows you to see your choice before committing it to the on-screen component.
Gradient: Completing the process
- OK – accepts and saves your choices then closes the panel.
- Cancel – closes the panel without saving the changes.
- Apply – applies and saves the changes without leaving the panel.