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Average Salary Metric

Reference M-204

What is this?

The Average Salary metric gives average salaries for groups or departments, pay levels and job types. This metric also allows meaningful comparisons of employees who work for different groups or locations throughout the organization.

Why use it?

The Average Salary metric makes it easier to analyze comparative salaries across different regions and business units and recommend guidelines on salary changes. This metric helps to answer a simple question: are we paying a certain group of employees in Location A more than we are paying employees with a similar skillset in Location B?

Average Salary Metric is also a stepping stone to more sophisticated salary analysis, such as statistical analysis of salaries, their range and standard deviation, which are  extremely useful for all organizations.

Required data:

Average Annual Salary Example: $65,002

OrgChart products will calculate average salary automatically.

Example average salary and headcount box.
Updated on March 13, 2024

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