In this example we will create a calculation to compute a hierarchical summary of employee salaries. Go to the Data tab and select chart data set. Select New and name the new field.
Change the type from text to calculated and uncheck the visible option.
Summary Fields: Scope
You will want to change the operation to Sum, Affected Column to Salary and the Affected Scope to the branch and manager to include everyone in the calculation.
Click OK, click ok again. It will ask you if you want to apply this to your chart. Say “No”
Summary Fields: Properties
You can then choose to have it visible within the OrgChart or apply it to all of the boxes. If you want to have it apply to only certain boxes you can select the boxes and Right-click on one of the boxes. Go to properties and apply the new field to your box and apply it to selection.
Summary Fields: Master page display
If you want to display the Summary on the Master Page, go to View tab, master page.
Go to Auto-text tab and drag the auto-text and choose the field you created within your chart data set and bring it through to display anywhere within the Master Page.
Summary Fields: Results
Then go back to your normal page view within the view tab and it will be on every page within your chart as a template..