Critical Business Questions Leading organizations do not track a certain number or a single set of metrics. They focus their effort on leveraging...
Headcount Reference M-101 What is this? Headcount is a basic calculation answering the question, “how many employees do I have in...
Job Type Census Reference M-102 What is this? The Job Type (or Job Code/Classification) metric calculates the number of employees by area of...
Salary and Headcount Rollup Reference M-103 What is this? Salary and Headcount Rollup totals employee salary cost by the entire organization as well as...
Age Ratio Reference M-104 Required data: The Age Ratio is a calculation representing the distribution of different age groups in order to...
Gender Ratio Reference M-105 What is this? The Gender Ratio displays information about the organization’s gender composition. Gender Ratio is commonly calculated...
Ethnic Diversity Ratio Reference M-106 What is this? Ethnic Diversity Ratio gives a reading of the organization’s ethnic composition. Ethnic Diversity can be...
Terminations and Separations Reference M-107 What is this? Terminations and Separations totals the employees leaving the organization, unit, division or department. Why use...
Employee Benefit Participation Reference M-108 What is this? Employee Benefit Participation calculations show the participation in benefit plans. This metric may be reported...
Open Requisitions Reference M-201 What is this? The Open Requisitions metric shows the number of positions that are open in each department,...
Performance Reference M-202 What is this? Performance metrics show performance rating levels for individuals and can also be used to show...
Tenure Reference M-203 What is this? The Tenure metric communicates how long an individual has been employed by the organization. Tenure...
Average Salary Metric Reference M-204 What is this? The Average Salary metric gives average salaries for groups or departments, pay levels and job...
Turnover Ratio Reference M-205 What is this? Turnover Ratio calculates turnover by division, department, manager and job role/function. Voluntary separation and involuntary...
Succession Planning Reference: M-301 What is this? Succession Planning identifies employees who may eventually be called upon to replace critical members who...
Retirement Eligibility Reference: M-302 What is this? The Retirement Eligibility metric indicates employees who have elected for retirement or voluntary separation, or...
Work Experience Reference: M-303 What is this? The Work Experience metric considers the range of experience or work history of the employee....
Key Employee Identifier Reference: M-304 What is this? Key Employee Identifier marks employees who are critical to the organization as a whole or...
Training Ratio Reference: M-305 What is this? The Training Ratio shows employees who are fully trained and also employees who require additional...
Span of Control Reference: M-306 What is this? Span of Control totals the number of people reporting directly to a manager. At the...