This toolbar controls font and text alignment attributes:
Font and Alignment: Format toolbar
The Format Toolbar provides the following font controls:
- Font type – a drop down menu with a list of available alphabets.
- Font style – a drop down menu with choices on letter orientation and weight.
- Font size – a drop down menu for choosing the size of the letters.
- Font color – this launches a palette of pre– defined and custom color options.
- Left align text – text starts on the left side and expands to the right.
- Center align text – text starts in the middle spreads evenly to the sides.
- Right align text – text starts on the right and expands to the left.
- Vertical top align – places text at topmost position possible
- Vertical center align – places text at center of field
- Vertical bottom align – places box at bottom of field
- Word Wrap – allows text to wrap where a space in the character string occurs.
- Show Title – shows the field name with a colon before the text. (E.g., Headcount: 32)