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Exclude Manager Headcount

OrgChart can perform different calculations such as Headcount, Span of Control, Budget Totals and more. This article pertains to configuring the Headcount calculation.

To change the total headcount calculation go to the data tab and into the chart data set.

Headcount: Calculation

Once in the chart data set find where it says headcount and click on the calculation symbol.

It will pull up a menu where you can drop down the effected scope and select the “Branch Excl. Mgr”

Click OK.

Click OK again.

Headcount: Calculation results

This will change the headcount so it does not include the manager in the headcount.



Headcount: Condition

Using a Condition to Exclude Records from a Headcount calculation

Within the OrgChart software you can exclude a group of employees from headcount with a conditional calculation. To create a calculation, you will want to go to the data tab and into the chart data set.

From here you can select new or use an existing headcount within the software to put a condition into the calculation.

If you click on the formula you can then put a condition into the headcount.

For the condition, you want to check off “Include in scope if meet condition” In the “Find What” Type in the common wording that all of the people you want to exclude. The “Find Where” you will want to choose the field that the Common wording is found and then the comparison would be “Does not contain” If you are looking to exclude them from the headcount.

Click OK again and one more time. Say “No” to apply to all the boxes if you want the headcount to show on the master page instead of the boxes.

Headcount: Conditional results



Updated on January 17, 2023

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