Quickly assign people to new positions. OrgChart has the ability to find, replace and promote employees with desired skill sets or attributes. Moving people in any chart is a very tedious process but even more so in large multilayered organizational charts. With the new Replace function the task is made easy. When a box is moved you have complete control over exactly which data fields move with a person and which data fields are inherited from the new position. Let’s walk through an example on how a promotion would be accomplished.
Replace Person: Process
- Select a person’s box to replace (i.e., Dan Allen).
- Click on the Replace Person icon.
- Search for a person with a specific name or one meeting desired requirement (i.e., Performance Rating equal to “exceeds”).
Replace Person: Results
- Select the desired person (i.e., Abbie Chen) and click OK.
It’s that easy. OrgChart’s Replace function has a variety of options to find, fill and replace positions within the org chart. When your succession planning exercise is complete, you can export data to Excel or publish to a sharable format such as PDF or PowerPoint.